Cigar Samplers is proud to offer cigars from every major tobacco-growing region in the world. We have cigar samplers hailing from the big 3 countries of the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. We may even toss in a few other countries from time to time, you never know.
I'm a big fan of variety! I will be building samplers that will mix it up sometimes. You may get one or two cigars from Nicaragua, one or two from Honduras, and even a few from the Dominican Republic as well. Are you a purist? I got you covered too. As I grow, I will be offering plenty of Cigar Samplers that are 100% Nicaraguan or 100% Honduran, or 100% Dominican.
As I said, I like variety. Try tobaccos from different growing regions and see if you can taste differences. Will you enjoy tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras? Will you be able to tell the difference if a cigar uses tobacco from different countries or is a puro? BTW, a Puro is a cigar made 100% from a particular country. Who knows, if you try enough Cigar Samplers, you may be able to taste the difference between Esteli, Danli, Sara Lee, and Bruce Lee.